Friday 4 September 2015

8/90 Pushing and Pulling

Man, when I start week two I feel like a superstar… I am already feeling stronger and managed to do deeper push ups although I am still at 20 per set.  My goal is to make them beautiful not to push out more … just to do 20 with exceptional quality.

As for the chin-up portion of the program I have succumb to using the Smith Machine and 80 pounds rather than trying to lift all 180 pounds of myself.  Again I am looking at doing it in good form, increasing the strength in my back and gradually making my way over to the chin-up bar.  This format is keeping me motivated and I am not feeling discouraged at all.

Next week my plan is to increase my weight on the chin ups and keep getting deeper in the push ups.

What a great feeling of accomplishment when I am done a great workout :D

I promised a progress picture… but I didn't take one of myself so I will post a progress pic of the gym :D

Love the colour and I the energy it gives me.  I can't wait to see the second colour in there and what mood it lends to the space.  The hockey net is getting a new home to ensure that there will be no more puck marks on my walls!  We are pouring a slab of cement so that Ashton can use it outside in any season.  AND … in a year or two we may use the same slab to build a shed and give him an indoor space to take out those frustrations.

I took some selfies last night too… happy to have Tony on my TV and sweat in my eyes!

Now, my plan for the weekend is to pause my P90x schedule so that I may join my family at the campsite.  I have to be able to fit the program in my life and my responsibilities.  THat being said, I am planning at least one BIG hike per day.  It will be a cardio-fest weekend and when I get back I will carry on with the schedule, as planned.  This 90 day program may take me 100 or more but I will get there :D

Make it a great day and make it count. 

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